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Giving to Space Center Houston

2022 Donor Impact Report

A message from space center Houston's President & CEO William T. Harris

Dear friends:

Space Center Houston reached several milestones in 2022. We celebrated our 30th anniversary, launched a new brand identity, and announced a bold vision for our science and learning center’s next 30 years. This year’s impact report highlights some of our initiatives that help reveal how science and humanity power space exploration, and just as important, the members, donors, and volunteers who make our work possible. It is about you, and those like you, who help Space Center Houston to make a powerful impact in our communities.

As a 501c3 nonprofit institution, we rely on charitable contributions like yours to grow our outreach initiatives and to expand our science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning programs for youth and adults alike. Thanks to your support, we have been able to make a powerful impact in our communities. In the year ahead, Space Center Houston will continue to tell the story of humanity’s incredible accomplishments in space exploration while expanding that narrative to include new ambitions, new players, and new challenges.

We look forward to sharing our progress with you in the coming year, but in the meantime, please take a moment to reflect on the tremendous impact that your support has enabled us to achieve. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to our mission.


William T. Harris President and CEO

Donate to Space Center Houston

Help us create space for everyone. Every gift is tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.

Launching Through the Glass Ceiling

Girls STEM Pathway

Boeing and Space Center Houston are working together to tackle the underrepresentation of women in STEM professions. The initiative offers a six-phase program that includes an introductory elementary school experience, a middle school project-based STEM program, a summer bridge program with mentoring, and a program for high school girls to engage in space challenges and research.

In 2022, the program provided STEM learning experiences for 1,474 female students, and after phase 2, Girls STEM Academy, supported by Phillips 66, 170 participants reflected on their experiences. Evaluators analyzed the letters and found that the program positively impacted attitudes towards STEM (85%) and self-confidence (68%), with 72% stating it helped support their career or academic goals.

Contact us at [email protected] to learn about participating in the Girls STEM Pathway or becoming a Girls STEM Pathway Mentor.

“I learned not only what we saw in the virtual lessons but also to see with my eyes what I dreamt to know.”

– Space U Beyond Participant

Mila, a 15-year-old student, has achieved outstanding success in the Girls STEM Pathway. Since joining in 8th grade, she has completed the Girl’s STEM Academy, Space Center University, and Mentor Cafe. With plans to participate in the Fall 2023 research experience, Mila will soon become a Girls STEM Pathway graduate. She will be the first graduate eligible for the program’s sixth phase, offering her the chance to inspire and support younger students. Mila says the program has “completely shaped what I want to be when I am an adult [biomedical engineer] and helped me fall in love with all things STEM.”

Partnerships Opening Borders

Space Center University Beyond

Space Center Houston is working to promote diversity in STEM fields through their Space Center University Beyond program, which offers hands-on STEM experiences to underrepresented female students aged 11-16 worldwide. The program allows participants to learn online or attend hybrid activities both online and at the center. In 2022, the program expanded to five countries, including Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Peru, and the organization is aiming to continue expanding the program globally. The program’s success can be attributed to the partnerships with institutions such as the She Is Foundation and the lnstitución Zoraida Cadavid de Sierra in Madrid, Cundinamarca, Colombia, the very first school in Latin America to participate in the program with 90 participants in the inaugural class.

It is our aim to continue expanding around the world. Ivan Rodriguez, Space Center Houston’s vice chair of the Board of Directors, hails from Colombia and is playing an important role in Space Center University Beyond’s success. Rodriguez has used his connections from his former work in the energy sector to forge partnerships with institutions like lnstitución Zoraida Cadavid de Sierra in Madrid, Cundinamarca, Colombia. By fostering these partnerships, the Space Center University Beyond program is helping to build a more diverse STEM workforce.

Celebrating National STEM Day

Space Center Houston celebrated National STEM Day on November 8th by hosting over 400 Houston-area students from Title 1 schools in the Houston Independent School District. Attendees engaged in authentic science learning activities, including designing their own lunar lander and participating in interactive Pop-up Science Labs.

Space Center Houston’s Chief Science Officer and NASA astronaut, Dr. Megan McArthur, also shared her story and insights about how science and space exploration learning can be relevant and useful to everyone. Hundreds more students participated online, making the event accessible to even more young minds. This event was made possible through financial contributions, which allow Space Center Houston to reach more schools and students through educational events that fuel creativity and encourage students to envision new possibilities for themselves.

 To learn how you can sponsor a school for upcoming National STEM Days or similar activities, contact Space Center Houston at [email protected].

Individuals wearing swimsuits and scuba gear in a pool. One man smiles and offers a thumbs up.

Learning for All Ages


NASA is recognized globally for the ability to innovate and lead under pressure, especially in the harsh environments of space. Our Human Performance Accelerator Lab (HPALab) combines NASA leadership insights with business and human resources expertise to build professional and career-focused curriculum. The program focuses on three tenets: becoming an explorer, taking a broader view, and embracing change. Participants practice leadership techniques through immersive experiences and engagement with industry experts and astronauts. HPALab’s program has been requested by companies of all sizes who want to bring key leadership groups, with outcomes teaching about self and team care, compassion, culture management, and curiosity.

HPALab partnered with Microsoft to create the Accelerate Space Workforce Program, which had 38 participants in 2022 committed to expanding their skill sets and learning about opportunities in the growing aerospace industry. The program includes virtual training sessions, onsite workshops, mock interviews, and a job fair with aerospace companies.

Learn more about HPALab and the Accelerate Space Workforce Program by visiting or contact [email protected].

The Color of Space

The aerospace innovation company Blue Origin founded a nonprofit foundation in 2019 called Club for the Future. Its mission is to inspire future generations to pursue careers in STEM. Closely aligned with our shared purpose, Club for the Future generously made a multi-year $1 million grant to Space Center Houston. The grant has allowed us to produce a number of impactful events in 2022. Last February, Space Center Houston collaborated with NASA on a documentary called The Color of Space which featured the stories of Black astronauts.

Club for the Future sponsored 150 Title 1 middle school students to attend in-person alongside college students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities to participate in a discussion with seven legendary astronauts. Students were inspired by NASA astronauts as they recounted tales of pursuing a career in aerospace and how mentors and colleagues helped them achieve their dreams.

After the discussion, students had the chance to ask their own questions. Space Center Houston has also been an active partner in Club for the Future’s main initiative, Postcards to Space, which invites the public to create their own postcard, send it into orbit on a New Shepard rocket, and have it mailed to them after it arrives back on Earth. Space Center Houston collected 5,081 postcards for the initiative in 2022 from 59 events. Every visit to Space Center Houston has the potential to shift someone’s dreams to look toward the stars -dreams made possible by support from you.

Building a Learning Space

We are thrilled to express our immense gratitude for the generous donation of $1 million from Dhaval Jadav, CEO of alliantgroup and Space Center Houston board member. This gift, received in 2021, will enable and motivate the next generation of explorers with authentic and innovative science learning experiences for years to come. 

To honor this incredible investment in STEM education, Space Center Houston dedicated a purpose-built educational space on their campus as The Dhaval R. Jadav Learning Innovation Center (LINC). This center serves as the focal point for Space Center Houston’s education programming, which annually impacts the lives of 250,000 students and educators through hands-on learning opportunities that foster the understanding of STEM concepts. 

The LINC classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art tools and resources for students to design and launch rockets, construct lunar and Martian habitats, assemble and test robots, build and test heat shields, and conduct research-based experiments. These activities promote cooperative design processes and encourage small-group interactions, fostering an environment that enriches and inspires students. 

Programs such as Girls STEM Pathway, Explorer Camps, and Space Center U leverage the Jadav LINC to provide students with interactive learning opportunities that challenge and enrich their scientific knowledge. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Dhaval Jadav for his generous gift, which will enable Space Center Houston to continue to inspire and prepare the next generation of explorers. 

Spotlight on Membership

Membership and Dedication: A Member Testimony by Sandy Wilder

Sandy Wilder is a loyal member of Space Center Houston and has been visiting the center since 2009. Now she is part of our Discovery Circle at the Contributor level. A space enthusiast since she was a child, Sandy strives to share this passion with others through her support of education programs here at Space Center Houston.

Members in 2022

of surveyed members initially became members to support Space Center Houston

Inspirational Philanthropy

Space Center Houston Board Member Alice Mosing and her husband Keith graciously opened their home in September to host Astronaut Insights, a new event series for special guests and members of Space Center Houston’s Innovation Circle.

The night was highlighted by NASA astronaut Megan McArthur, Space Center Houston’s Chief Science Officer, and William T. Harris, President & CEO of Space Center Houston. They discussed her time on board the International Space Station. She shared personal perspectives on the latest developments in space exploration following her return after 199 days in orbit, as well as her journey to become a NASA astronaut.

The event was filled with laughter and curiosity sustained by Megan’s humorous tales of her crew on board the International Space Station. She told heartening stories of the Space Olympics that the crews onboard at the time competed in to mirror the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo and the story of the first ever Hatch Valley green chiles grown in space that were turned into delicious space tacos. Following her presentation, guests had the opportunity to personally meet Megan and other aerospace leaders in attendance.

Looking to the Future and Beyond

Board members, donors, members, and special guests were invited to the fifth annual President’s Luncheon in November. President & CEO, William T. Harris, shared the impact of recent philanthropy and revealed how Space Center Houston is bringing people and space closer together.

During his presentation, Harris shared educational highlights, NASA mission successes, and some of the special guests who stopped by the center last year. These included the GRAMMY-winning Dua Lipa and YouTube mega-influencer Gabriel Montiel. He also presented the vision for our future expansion, including a look at the plans for Space Center Houston including the Lunar Mars Surface Integration Facility.

You can view our Bold New Vision video at and please keep an eye on your in box as we make further announcements about our Facilities Master Plan in 2023. The President’s Luncheon is an annual event and invitations include Innovation Circle donors as well as Patron and Contributor members.

You can enroll in either of these two giving programs at

2022 Honor Roll of Donors

The 2022 Honor Roll of Donors recognizes supporters who have made gifts totaling $50 or more between Jan. 1, 2022 and Dec. 31, 2022. We proudly recognize members of our Discovery Circle, whose membership includes a philanthropic gift to Space Center Houston. Every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of names and data. Please bring any errors or omissions to our attention at [email protected] or call Sharyn Bristol at 281.283.7728.

$50,000  and above

  • Chevron
  • Boeing
  • Peggy Kostial

$25,000 – $49,999

  • Albert and Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation
  • Microsoft

$10,000 – $24,999

  • Barrios
  • Jeanne and Richard Flip
  • Gwen Griffin and Al Saylor
  • The Americas Foundation
  • Susan Sarofim
  • Bud and Maryjane Scherr
  • Stuart Schwartz

$5,000 – $9,999

  • Jacob Avery
  • Bridgette Brashear
  • Gracie and Bob Cavnar
  • Daniel Cohen
  • Susie and Pat Cunningham
  • William T. Harris
  • Lynn Hedlund
  • Harvin C. Moore
  • Stephanie Murphy
  • Mary Murray
  • NASA Alumni League JSC
  • Syamal and Susmita Poddar
  • Powell Foundation
  • Strake Foundation

$2,500 – $4,999

  • Gideon Berkowitz
  • Maria B. Culley
  • Karen and Rich Jackson
  • Stewart Morris
  • Keith and Alice Mosing
  • John Mulholland
  • Mike Novelli
  • Ellen Ochoa and Coe Miles
  • Philip T. Pegues Irrevocable Trust
  • Servientrega International Inc.
  • Kim and Dan Tutcher
  • Rizwan and Giti Virani

$1,000 – $2,499

  • alliantgroup
  • Amegy Bank
  • Mike Bloomfield
  • Debbie Conder
  • John M. and Donna S. Diiorio
  • Dyan Gibbens
  • Betsy and Fred Griffin
  • Richard Gruen
  • Michael Hawes
  • Estella Hernandez Gillette
  • Alexandre Jaserme
  • Brady Johnson
  • Joy and Don Kelly
  • Caroline Lake
  • John Morgan Micheletti
  • Shanell and Walker Moody
  • Linda C. Murray
  • Eddy and Dara Pauley
  • Ivan Rodriguez
  • Adam Schneider
  • Janine Schueppert
  • Tracy and Mike Scott
  • John Senn
  • Kirk Shireman
  • Amberleigh Thetford
  • Tranquility Lodge :lt2000

$50 – $999

  • Kim and Robert Adden
  • Khalid Adrif
  • Anonymous (5)
  • Shirley Knobler and Ron Aryel
  • Stephen Ashburn
  • Michelle Baker
  • Bobby Baker
  • John G. Ball
  • Anne and Bill Bella
  • Daniel Bennett
  • Ramon Bernal
  • Jon Bicho
  • Charles Blake
  • James Broadfoot
  • Emily Brooks
  • Toni Burt
  • Karen Carlson
  • Cassie Chou
  • Donal Clem
  • Sherry Cody
  • Hank Coleman
  • Michelle and Kevin Corley
  • Bill Cotter and Courtney Cecale
  • T.J. Creamer
  • Kalyan Dave
  • Susan and Marc DeChellis
  • Donald Dettmann
  • John Dulin
  • Jan Eberhart
  • Megan Ebert
  • Ramsay Elder
  • Todd Esenwein
  • Raymond Espiritu
  • Lisa Fantino
  • Patricia Faverio
  • Alfred Feliu
  • Victor Fernandez
  • Kimberly Fogarty
  • Martha Gallagher
  • Hilda Garcia
  • Roy Gee
  • John Geoghegan
  • Nicholas Gruszauskas
  • Paul and Carolyn Guercio
  • Michael Guerra
  • Dana Harding
  • Pete and Annette Hasbrook
  • Susan Heard
  • Santosh Helekar
  • Michael Herald
  • Yvette Hochberg
  • Donna and Jeff Hoff
  • Robert Hugar
  • Tony and Gretchen Huizinga
  • Wayne Johnson
  • Lara Kearney
  • Estelle Keller
  • Clyde Kelley
  • Marcia and Dale Klein
  • Jeffrey Knapp
  • Charlotte Lamp
  • Brendan Lemeux
  • Pei Hua Lu
  • Lee Ann MacDonald
  • Larry Mace
  • Gary Brandt and Shelley Macy
  • Jean Magara
  • Michael and Manie Mann
  • Ann Lyn Martin
  • Karla Merryman
  • JerryW. Mill
  • Raamel Mitchell
  • Janine Morris
  • Mark Morris
  • Diane Moy
  • S. Alyssa Mueller
  • Mark and Dawn Mulqueen
  • Penny and Dennis Murphree
  • Tom Murray
  • LeeAnn Nagel
  • Kirk Nass
  • George J. Novotney
  • Daniel Paredes
  • Christopher W. Parker
  • Trevor Pascoe
  • Faye Pilgrim
  • Carl Poirier
  • Marie Pompili
  • Yana Ponce
  • Cobey Potter
  • Larry Price
  • Sergey Prokazov
  • Marc Puppo
  • The Quinlan Family
  • Pilar Parducci and Tony Richmond
  • Brian Rishikof
  • Rosemary Rodd
  • Benjamin Rode
  • Glyn Runnels
  • Geovanna Sarnelli
  • Bobby Satcher
  • Fred Sauter
  • James and Joan Savarese
  • Frank Schilero
  • Bev Schlotterbeck
  • Nicole Rene’ Scroggins
  • Thomas Seidel
  • Hudnall Shannon
  • Barrett Shaver
  • Cynthia Shelby-Lane
  • Brett Sommers
  • Ronald Stenzel
  • Marty Stetzer
  • Sylvia Sullivan
  • Carl-Erik Svensson
  • Marshall Sweed
  • Beth Teegarden
  • James R. Tilley
  • Johnathan Tinnen
  • Mary Titus
  • Mark Tompkins
  • Katie Toupin
  • Gerald Francis Trevor
  • Shin Ugai
  • Joel B. Walker
  • Randall Walker
  • Rajesh Warrier
  • John Wells
  • Carlos Westhelle
  • Jesse Wojahn
  • Garry Woodhouse
  • Nan Yao

Patron Level Members

  • Dianna Bailey
  • Pamela Banks
  • Madison Kathryn Barker
  • Jaime L. Barthel
  • Ann M. Box
  • Michael Brady
  • Bob Chiang
  • Maryam Cooley
  • Michelle Corley
  • Carol Eggert Dinkins
  • Patrick Eads
  • Duke S. Ensell
  • John Flowers
  • Ann and Bill Davidson
  • John Dennis Holt
  • Lee A. Hutchinson
  • Marvin Jackson Alexandre Jasserme
  • Joy H. Kelly
  • Alexander Kirillov
  • Charles Lindsey
  • Kroll Johnston Langham
  • Mario A. Marchelli
  • Chris Mathews
  • Naomi J. Miller
  • Janine I. Morris
  • James O’Sullivan
  • Robert I. Provence
  • Mallik S. Putcha
  • Steven Rau
  • Jeremy Michael Rogers
  • Ronna Rubinstein
  • Wayne Shaw
  • James C. Smith
  • Alex Teplyakov
  • Kelly Vaughn
  • Carly Marie Vowell
  • Bill J. Wied

Contributor Level Members

  • Evelyn A. Aboagye Mark Mead
  • Bridgette Goss
  • Philippe Dib
  • Sandy Wilder
  • Manuel Thomas
  • Marilyn Wallace
  • Shin Ugai
  • Sharon N. Carter
  • Harold L. Rucker
  • Jeremy Dingus
  • David A. Fanelli
  • Bill McCarty
  • Leanne B. Scott
  • Claudia L. Pechacek
  • Kathleen P. Buckland
  • Janet S. Graves
  • Virginia Seale Watt
  • Marc L. DeChellis
  • Frank W. Korona
  • David Joseph Brownhill
  • Richard Lee Gruen
  • Ray Thompson
  • James W. Whiddon

Supporter Level Members

  • John Suarez
  • Dennis Michael Thomas
  • Steve J. Combs
  • Stefan Schaffer
  • Peter L. Crew
  • Robert V. Dotson
  • Raquel O Arguello
  • Juan Pablo Sandino
  • Jose Humberto Diaz
  • Traci Guciardo
  • Alexandra Anderson
  • Carlos L. Cabarcas
  • Spencer H. Gardner
  • Jayson Bartholomew
  • Martiel A. Luther
  • Emma Brawn
  • Kara Kraft
  • Julian F. Zapp
  • Kirstin J. Knott
  • Michael M. McCoy
  • Robert G Wonish
  • Susannah L Wong
  • Michael S. Parmet
  • Beth Domel
  • Michael Foreman
  • Bailey Dalton-Binion
  • James R. Ramos
  • Caroline J Phillips
  • Michael Echeandia Madison
  • Taylor Garnet B. Gunn
  • Hans Peter
  • Dick Solano
  • Judith W Perkins
  • Keiji Aoki
  • LaShanda Beamon
  • Diane E. Burress
  • Alan Winslette
  • Stephanie L Hamm
  • Caroline R. Allen
  • William J. Moon
  • Patricia D Lunn
  • Frank Lafleur
  • Roisin McCarty
  • Nicholas J. Sucic
  • Bill Bella
  • Kristi A. Sessions
  • Christopher Ryan Muncy
  • Judy R. Shaefer
  • Shannon Adams
  • John A. Scott
  • Anthony J. Cosacchi
  • Veronica Marie Gonzalez
  • James A. Moe
  • Eric P. Sabonghy
  • Tammy Thomas Cook
  • Richard Olsen
  • Amanda M. Gyeszly
  • Darren Cummings
  • Stewart French McAdoo
  • Danny Skelton
  • Thomas DeNicola
  • Raymond Luna
  • Jean-Christophe Dupont
  • Maria Diaz Santos
  • Manjula Datta-Barua
  • JohnW. Ropp
  • Tom L Kerscher
  • Carl E. Walz
  • Erwin E. lcayan
  • Luz Blanca Garcia
  • Ted F. Vidimos
  • Kathy Tamer
  • Michelle Clark
  • Tarek N. Ghalayini
  • Keith A. McIntosh

Corporate Sponsors 

  • Booz Allen Hamilton
  • City of Webster
  • Nassau Bay
  • Omega
  • Phillips 66
  • Reliant
  • Repsol
  • THINK Neurology for Kids
  • United Airlines
  • UTMB
  • Wellby Financial

Corporate Match

  • Apple
  • Boeing
  • Hess Corporation
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Microsoft
  • Mutual of America
  • ON Semiconductor
  • Phillips 66
  • Shell HERO Program
  • Texas Instruments Foundation
  • Thermo Fisher
  • VMware Foundation

Help us create space for everyone. Visit to make a safe and secure gift and support Space Center Houston’s educational mission.

Join Space Center Houston’s community of contributors and help us continue growing the number of learners who enter the STEM pathway! Every gift is tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.

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Moon 2 Mars Festival is back!

Tickets on sale now | March 13 - 16

The All-American Rejects are throwing Space Center Houston’s Moon 2 Mars Festival into hyperdrive. Amp up your Space City Spring Break with us!

Access to this all-ages festival is included in general admission.