Artemis Moonwalking Spacesuits
Discover how NASA and Axiom Space are working to design a next-level moonwalking spacesuit. This new suit will be the first in over 50 years, and it will enable us to navigate the challenges of Artemis III and beyond. From conducting research on the surface of the Moon to surviving the radiation level on Mars. These new suits are critical to the future of human spaceflight.
NASA is returning astronauts to the Moon under Artemis to support continued scientific breakthroughs, benefiting humanity on Earth. As part of its planned human lunar spaceflight missions, NASA will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon.
About the Panel
Panelists from this discussion include Lara Kearney, Manager, EVA & HSM Program, NASA Johnson Space Center and Mark Greeley, xEVAS Program Manager, Axiom Space.
Lara Kearney

An executive leader with hands-on experience in every phase of the flight hardware process, Lara Kearney is NASA Johnson Space Center’s manager of the Extravehicular Activity (EVA) and Human Surface Mobility (HSM) Program. Her responsibility is to execute safe EVAs throughout the life of the International Space Station (ISS) and develop EVA and HSM systems for Artemis to provide crew exploration capability on the Moon.
Kearney has held various roles within Johnson Space Center. She has served as the deputy manager of the Gateway Program, crew and service module manager of the Orion Program, and the manager of the extravehicular activity systems project within the Constellation Program.
Mark Greeley

An experienced leader and program manager with federal government contracts and public sector, including interface with state and local entities; Mark Greeley is currently leading Axiom’s Space Suit Program.
Greeley has 30 plus years of experience managing NASA Space Shuttle and International Space Station Launch/Entry Suit and Extravehicular Space Suit Programs for Boeing, United Space Alliance, Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, KBR and Axiom Space. He was the former program manager for the Space Shuttle Crew Escape Program, extravehicular systems contract, Flight Crew Equipment/Extravehicular Activity Program Element, extravehicular space operations contract and the research engineering mission integration contract.