Dr. Kiefer’s work and life has been profoundly influenced by the Apollo missions to the Moon. This presentation will look back on the scientific success of the Apollo missions, particularly Apollo 17. Join in a conversation about how the astronauts traversed the lunar surface conducting extensive lunar geology and what we learned from the lunar samples.
Where: Destiny Theater
When: Dec. 19 1-1:45 p.m.

About the Speaker
Dr. Walter Kiefer, Lunar Planetary Institute Associate Director

Dr. Walter Kiefer is the Associate Director of the Lunar and Planetary Institute. His research focuses on the internal structure and evolution of the Moon, terrestrial planets and large icy satellites. Dr. Kiefer is a Co-Investigator for the Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble Gases, Chemistry, and Imaging (DAVINCI) mission, the Gravity and Radio Science team for the Europa Clipper mission, and a U.S. Mission Scientist for the EnVision mission. He was a member of the science team for NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission, which mapped the Moon’s gravity field to determine the structure of the Moon’s crust and deep interior.